More than 500 students in grades 9 through 12 sing in one of our curricular choirs. These choirs each perform in three yearly concerts and also participate in other events, such as contests, festivals, tours, and outreach projects. All curricular choirs are offered during our 7-period-hybrid schedule and are year-long courses.
Concert Choir SATB (11, 12) is a full-year, auditioned choir for mixed voices that focuses primarily on the rehearsal and performance of advanced standard choral literature from the Renaissance through the Twenty-First Century. Auditions with the directors are required in the spring. Vocal technique and sight-reading are stressed in every rehearsal. When applicable and appropriate, fundamentals of music theory and music history are reviewed. Attendance is required at each performance, which includes the Fall Concert, Winter Jubilee, Winter Concert, Current Jam, and Commencement.
Concert Choir rehearses 3rd period. Director: Mr. Piela.
Bel Canto
Bel Canto Choir (10, 11, 12) is a full-year, auditioned choir designed especially for the rehearsal and performance of three and four-part treble music (soprano I, soprano II, alto I, and alto II). Repertoire for Bel Canto ranges from advanced traditional choral literature to contemporary pop arrangements. Auditions with the directors are required in the spring. Vocal technique and basic sight-reading skills are part of each rehearsal. When applicable and appropriate, fundamentals of music theory and music history are reviewed. Attendance is required at each performance, which includes the Fall Concert, Winter Concert, and the Happenin’ Concert.
Bel Canto rehearses 6th period. Director: Ms. Jolivette.
Cantemus (10, 11, 12) is a full-year, auditioned choir designed especially for the rehearsal and performance of three and four-part tenor-bass music (tenor I, tenor II, baritone, and bass). Repertoire for Cantemus ranges from advanced traditional choral literature to contemporary pop arrangements. Auditions with the directors are required in the spring. Vocal technique and basic sight-reading skills are part of each rehearsal. When applicable and appropriate, fundamentals of music theory and music history are reviewed. Attendance is required at each performance, which includes the Fall Concert, Winter Concert, and the Happenin’ Concert.
Cantemus rehearses 6th period. Director: Mr. Lehrke.
Hornet Chorale
Hornet Chorale is a full-year choir for 10th-12th grade sopranos and altos who seek to develop good vocal techniques through rehearsal and performance experience. No audition is required for membership in this ensemble. The study of music theory, music history, vocal technique, and sight-singing are also incorporated into rehearsals. Repertoire for Hornet Chorale ranges from traditional choral literature to contemporary pop arrangements. Attendance is required at the Fall Concert, the Winter Concert and the Happenin’ Concert in the spring. Additional combined rehearsals may also be held outside the school day in preparation for each individual concert.
Hornet Chorale rehearses 2nd period: Director: Mr. Piela.
Cougar Chorus
Cougar Chorus–along with soprano-alto partner choir, Hornet Chorale–honors the nine-year co-existence (1972-1981) of Edina-East High School (“Hornets”) & Edina-West High School (“Cougars”). Both schools’ contributions still heavily influence our choirs to this day.
Cougar Chorus is a full-year choir for 10th-12th grade tenors and basses who seek to develop good vocal techniques through rehearsal and performance experience. No audition is required for membership in this ensemble. The study of music theory, music history, vocal technique, and sight-singing are also incorporated into rehearsals. Repertoire for Cougar Chorus ranges from traditional choral literature to contemporary pop arrangements. Attendance is required at the Fall Concert, the Winter Concert and the Happenin’ Concert in the spring. Additional combined rehearsals may also be held outside the school day in preparation for each individual concert.
Cougar Chorus rehearses in two sections: 2nd period & 3rd period. Director: Mr. Lehrke.
9th Grade CHOIR SSA & 9th Grade Choir TTB
9th Grade Choir SSA & 9th Grade Choir TTB are full-year, non-auditioned choirs for 9th graders, which offer students an opportunity to sing and perform at an introductory high school level. Rehearsal and performance of standard choral literature, as well as study of music theory, music history, and general music skills are given equal importance in the course. Repertoire for 9th Grade Choir ranges from traditional choral literature to contemporary pop arrangements. All members are required to perform in the Fall Concert, the Winter Concert and the Spring Sing Concert. Additional combined rehearsals may also be held outside the school day in preparation for each individual concert.
9th Grade SSA rehearses in multiple sections during periods 1, 4, & 5. Director: Ms. Jolivette.
9th Grade TTB rehearses in multiple sections during periods 1, 4, & 5. Directors: Mr. Lehrke & Mr. Piela.
Extra-Curricular Ensembles
Participation in the following ensembles is contingent upon successful membership in one of the EHS curricular choirs. All ensembles perform as part of the Fall and Winter Choral Concerts, as well as at the spring concerts for their respective curricular choirs. Additional performances include holiday caroling, performances of the National Anthem at various Edina home games, outreach trips to elementary schools, care centers, and other community events.
TTB Ensemble: extra-curricular choir for tenors and basses in one of our 9-12 curricular choirs, wanting an additional, smaller choir experience. Depending on the number of interested students, there may be separate TTB Ensembles for freshmen and upperclassmen. Typically rehearses Fridays at 7:40am. Director: Mr. Lehrke
9 SSA Ensemble: extra-curricular choir for those ninth grade sopranos and altos wanting an additional, smaller SSA choir experience. Typically rehearses Fridays at 7:40am. Director: Ms. Jolivette
10-12 SSA Ensemble: extra-curricular choir for sopranos and altos from Varsity, Bel Canto, and Concert Choir wanting an additional, smaller SSA choir experience. Typically rehearses Wednesdays at 7:40am. Director: Ms. Jolivette
Chamber Singers: by audition only, a select group of Concert Choir members with a busy performance schedule during the holidays. Auditions are held in September. Director: Mr. Piela
Members of TTB & SSA Ensembles and their directors caroling at Lunds & Byerlys.
Edina Men's Chorus
The Edina Men's Chorus is open to all junior and senior men in the school, as well as men from the community. This ensemble rehearses Wednesday mornings from 7:15 to 8:00 AM in the Choir Room W325 (located above the Main Office, inside Door 5) in Edina High School.
This groups sings the National Anthem at the Homecoming Football Game, performs in the February Winter Concert, and the popular Current Jam Concerts at the end of the school year.
Our repertoire includes virtually anything written for men's chorus from Renaissance motets to Barbershop to pop tunes.
Director: Mr. Lehrke