Please read this handbook as a family and submit the confirmation at the end.
The mission of Edina Choirs is to encourage and nurture intelligent musicians, as well as a love for choral music through participation in small and large group activities and performances.
All seven co-curricular choirs at EHS are year-long courses that seek to develop good vocal techniques through rehearsal and performance experience. Vocal technique, sight-reading skills and music literacy are a regular part of rehearsals. Repertoire includes choral literature of various historical periods as well as contemporary pop arrangements. Members are required to perform in the Fall Concert, the Winter Concert, and the Spring Concert. Each choir has additional required performances and rehearsals that are part of the course grade; please see the calendar for your choir and make note of your responsibilities.
The Edina Choral Department has adopted the following Essential Standards for all vocal music classes in grades 6-12. Rehearsals, performances, learning experiences, assignments, and assessments are all designed to address these Essential Standards taken from the Minnesota Academic Standards for the Arts (2008):
Demonstrate knowledge of the foundations of the arts area (instrumental music, vocal music).
Demonstrate knowledge and use of the technical skills of the art form (instrumental music, vocal music), integrating technology when applicable.
Demonstrate understanding of the personal, social, cultural and historical contexts that influence the arts areas (instrumental music, vocal music).
Perform or present in a variety of contexts in the arts area (instrumental music, vocal music) using the artistic foundations.
Respond to or critique a variety of creations or performances using the artistic foundations.
Create or make in a variety of contexts in the arts area (instrumental music, vocal music) using the artistic foundations.
A quality high school choral music curriculum will include repertoire that is religious and sacred in nature. Edina School Board Policy 609 concerning the use of sacred/religious music in public schools will be strictly observed. If any student is uncomfortable with rehearsing or performing a particular selection, he/she should personally contact the choral director.
Please be in your seat with your folder and a pencil once the bell rings or be counted tardy.
Consistent with Edina Public Schools policy, the use of electronic devices is solely at the teacher’s discretion. Choir is a no-phone classroom: phones should be silenced and put away at all times. Other electronic devices, as well as headphones/earbuds, are only to be used in the classroom with the teacher’s permission.
When singing, feet should be flat on the floor and your back should be away from the back of the chair with shoulders straight and music held up, not in your lap. Consistent singing with proper alignment is expected.
No gum- chewing or eating is allowed during the rehearsal. Neither food nor beverages should be brought into the choir room; only water is permitted. Hats/caps may not be worn during rehearsal.
Please use the music folder assigned to you. You are responsible for the condition of your folder and the music in it, and. You will be assessed a fine if any music or your folder is lost, damaged, or misused.
In addition to the supplied music and folder, the following materials are required for the choirs listed:
9th Grade Choirs:
Composition notebook (7.5 x 9.5 inches) to be left in the classroom
Pencil (at all times during rehearsal)
One box of tissues
School-approved electronic device
Formal concert attire (listed below)
VarsitY, Bel Canto, Cantemus, & Concert Choirs:
Pencil (at all times during rehearsal)
School-approved electronic device
Formal concert attire (listed below)
Black short-sleeved Edina Choirs polo, worn for various semi-formal choir events.
This is the same shirt as was worn by South View and Valley View Choirs.
If you already have one that fits, you may use it.
If a student has one but needs another size, we will facilitate a free-of-charge trade.
If a student does not have one, we will provide one for use for the event(s).
Dress rehearsals and concerts should be thought of like a type of final exam.
ATTENDANCE AT THE CONCERTS THROUGHOUT THE YEAR IS MANDATORY. It is a responsibility of choir membership.
The directors will provide as much advance notice as possible for these events. Rehearsal schedules for each concert are usually posted at least a month in advance.
In the event of illness or family emergency, the following procedure must be followed in order to be eligible for make-up opportunities.
1. Speak with your director as soon as you are aware that you must miss a dress rehearsal or performance; your director will provide you a Performance/Rehearsal Absence Form.
2. Complete the form, obtain a parent/guardian signature, and return it to your director as soon as possible.
3. In most circumstances, students who arrange a pre-excused absence will be offered an alternative assignment to earn full credit; this assignment must be successfully completed to earn credit for the missed event.
Excused absences include illness or family emergency. All other absences will be considered unexcused unless deemed otherwise by the director. Unexcused absences result in a lowered course grade.
All choir members will be issued a choir robe and stole for use at the Fall Concert and Winter Concert. The following should be worn under the robe:
Women: Shorts and t-shirt, black flat dress shoes
Men: Black dress slacks, black dress shoes and socks, t-shirt
Attire for the spring concerts includes several creative and inexpensive costumes that will be announced at least a month in advance, as well as the spring concert t-shirt purchased at the beginning of the year.
Occasionally choirs also wear Edina Choirs polo shirts at various semi-formal events during the year. Please see the explanations about these shirts above. More information regarding polo shirts will be presented prior to applicable events.
A significant portion of each student’s grade is based upon daily work in the classroom rehearsal setting. Evaluation in this area happens daily and is considered an assessment of the following benchmarks:
The Edina High School Attendance Policy will be strictly followed. Excessive absences and tardies will have to be cleared with the director for point clarification and make-up work. Choir is a participation class:it is almost impossible to “make up” a series of missed choral classes.
**A reminder that school policy states that students who arrive more than 10 minutes late for a class and are unexcused will be counted as absent.
Each student will be asked to demonstrate his/her singing ability in a small group at least once per quarter. You will be tested on a section of one or more of the choral selections that we have been working on in class. You will be graded on note accuracy, blend, intonation, dynamics, and diction. Effort and overall progress are also taken into account.
Written assignments such as music listening responses, rehearsal reflections, music theory assessments, self-evaluations, and concert reports are factored into the course grade.
A detailed schedule will be presented in advance of each choral event. Combined rehearsals will be held outside of the school day in preparation for each concert; these may be before school, after school, or in the evening. Attendance is required at all events scheduled for the organization.
The following are common EHS policies on attendance, grading, and accommodations. The choir department adheres to these policies.
Attendance Expectations
Students will be placed on an attendance contract when 3 unexcused or 9 total (unexcused & excused) absences are incurred per semester. Students with excessive absences may be dropped from the course with a final grade of NG.
Retake policy
EHS students will have summative assessment retake/revision opportunities available in order to better demonstrate their level of proficiency in a particular area of study. The assessment tool used on the retake/revision may be a different assessment than the original per teacher discretion. Students will have the opportunity to retake/revise summative assessments under these conditions:
Students are limited to a single retake/revision per summative, and this retake/revision must be completed before the next summative assessment.
Students are eligible for up to a C (75% or equivalent) on the retake/revision.
All formative work must be completed and/or the student must demonstrate proof of practice as determined by their teacher to retake/revise a summative assessment.
A retake/revision must be completed before/after school, during flex block or per teacher discretion.
Semester final exams are ineligible for retake.
Retakes/revisions of formative assessments are at the discretion of the teacher/PLC.
Accommodations available to all students upon request:
Copies of notes if not provided online
Providing/posting additional study materials
Individual check-ins for understanding
Breaking down large projects into smaller chunks with specific deadlines for each chunk
Strategic seating determined through teacher/student partnership
Students have the opportunity to earn an EHS letter and other awards by accumulating points for extra-curricular choral involvement. Lettering forms are available from the directors, and will be collected on or before April 20 each year; however, you should use this form throughout the year to record points as you earn them. Points are earned for activities during the current year only. Students who earn a letter this year will be recognized at the choir lettering ceremony on Saturday, May 16, 2020.
The deadline to complete this assignment for credit has passed.